We live in one of the oldest cities in America. Non profit organizations are often located in buildings that were built waaaaaaay before electricity (although Ben Franklin flew his famous kite right here) and before these things called computers were invented. Our team comes across all types of challenges related to these old buildings: wet basements (where the DSL comes into the building), bad electrical wiring, bugs - yuck, and really small doorways. I recently learned that the small doorways in the historic buildings are not an indication of short founding fathers (in fact George Washington was well over 6 foot tall) but rather a result of structural shortcomings of the available building supplies of the day. Anyway, what does this have to do with technology and/or a fire escape?
We were recently called by a non profit theater company to secure their server. We helped them procure a low cost server cabinet that would support the need.
Thankfully for all of us, the city insists that these buildings have a proper fire escape. I don't have photos to support this, but our guys recently installed a server cabinet at an old theater by hauling it up the outside fire escape and shoving it through a second story window.