Monday, February 12, 2007

First Post

OK, so I'm supposed to know all about technology due to my job title. The fact is that I really don't know how to do the cool stuff like IM, set up a blog, or use my cell phone for text messages. I do know how to set up safe and secure computing environments.

This is my first attempt at blogging. Other techies have blogs that techies should read with lots of information about networking and programming. Other non profit techies have blogs with lots of information regarding technology used by human and social service agencies. These blogs are GREAT. However, when I go home or out with friends it's not the geeky technology that we talk about. No, it's the people, sights and sounds of non profit life that monopolizes our conversations (and ice hockey, but that's another blog).

I've been urged to share some of these stories with a wider audience. These posts are not tech myths, not meant to hurt anyone's feelings, not meant to make fun of disadvantaged or underserved people. These postings are meant to share daily experiences of our staff in a light hearted way.

We work really hard and take our jobs very seriously. Our clients work really hard and take their jobs really seriously. But we all need a giggle now and then so stay tuned . . .

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