Wednesday, January 7, 2009

iHate iPhones!

It seems like everyone got an iPhone from Santa this year. What a pain they are.

First of all, they are reducing the American productivity quotient to near zero as everyone is just running around showing their co-workers the cool new "App" they downloaded. My favorite so far is the iFart app - you can figure out how useful that is for yourself. My real favorite is the

Second, they are taking precious time away from our techs doing real work setting up old fashioned computers for social workers because everyone wants the them to spend time connecting their new toy to their email service.

Third, and most annoying to me, is that nobody can hear me talking because they all have these white wires hanging from their ears. It's bad enough that I have to tell everybody how to do everything, but now I have to say it twice and get a dumb look after the first time and attitude about being out of touch with the new generation of workers after the second time.

Here is what you need to know about iPhones to get connected to your org's Exchange email:
First, the organization need to have an SSL Certificate installed. Otherwise, your username and password will be sent from the iPhone across the Internet for all hackers to see. Then, you need to know the public name of your mail server - for example: Then it should be done. Sounds easy, but it seems that it's not because we get calls and emails about it all day long anymore.

I don't really hate iPhones. I got an iTouch for Christmas that I blogged about on my other blog . The iTouch does everything that the iPhone does except for the phone part which is great for me since I have a SmartPhone already. What I really hate are Blackberries . . . that's for another post.

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