Wednesday, October 10, 2007

OK, I'm back with another story

Remember, these are all true. . . We have this amazing staff of non profit technology consultants that provide services to over 70 clients every month. For those consultants that have been with us a while, the shock threshold gets higher. The new guys still can't believe most of what they see on a daily basis. Here is a story that leapt across the shock threshold to become legend.

Our senior consultant was called to a small community center that had recently lost their "accidental techie" and knew they needed help with IT. As a typical technology consultant, Mark's first question was "Take me to your server". He was shown to the janitor's closet (you can see where this is going) where he only found a green hefty bag that was sucked in on all sides. "Why is the server in a bag ?!?!?" "To protect it from the leaky pipe"

True story.

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